Monday October 28th at 5:30 p.m. the Centre for Learning Social Economy and Work (CLSEW) is co-hosting Dr. Jerome Nikolai Warren to launch the open access Routledge Handbook of Cooperative Economics and Management followed by a social.
The event will be held at OISE, University of Toronto (252 Bloor St. West) on the 12th floor in the Nexus Lounge. Click here for the event poster.
Complimentary food and beverages will be provided. We hope you can join us and please feel free to spread the invitation throughout your networks!
A bit more about our speaker…
Jerome is a German-American political economist and researcher, currently at the Universities of Cologne and Goethe-University Frankfurt, focused on the intersection between cooperation, sustainability and (business) networks. He is the lead editor of the forthcoming (Oct 2024) Routledge Handbook of Cooperative Economics and Management as well as of the companion volume, Global Cooperative Economics and Movements, also forthcoming from Routledge. He has conducted applied research on the cooperative economy of Italy, publishing on the evolution of Italian social and community cooperatives. Between 2022 and 2024, he was Chaire SFPI at the Belgian Royal Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters, advising the Belgian sovereign wealth fund on its strategies in helping make Belgian firms more sustainable. In addition, he is the founder and president of the Rudolf Rocker Institute and very active in various civil society groups. He is also an avid painter and photographer.
This event is sponsored by the Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work (CLSWE)