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Vieta, M. (2020). Workers’ self-management in Argentina: Contesting neo-liberalism
by occupying companies, creating cooperatives, and recuperating autogestión
Leiden and Chicago: Brill Academic Publishers and Haymarket Books
(Historical Materialism Book Series) (hard-cover available October 2019 with a
2020 publication date by Brill, soft-cover by Haymarket published January 2021
with a 2020 publication date).

2022 Joyce Rothschild Book Prize - Honourable Mention (adjudication
organized by the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing

at Rutgers University)


Cheney, G., Noyes, M., Do, E., Vieta, M., Azkarraga, J., & Michel, C. (2023).
Cooperatives at work
. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

2023 Joyce Rothschild Book Prize - Winner Best Book (adjudication
organized by the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing

at Rutgers University)


Azzellini, D. & Vieta, M. (2024). Commoning labour and democracy at work:
When workers take over
. London: Routledge (forthcoming).


Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Vieta, M., Cheney, G., Noyes, M., & Do, E. (2024). Revisiting the ‘spillover thesis’ in participatory workplaces and worker cooperatives. In J. Warren, J. Hübner, L. Biggiero, & K. Ogunyemi (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of cooperative economics and management. London: Routledge (forthcoming).


Srnec, C. & Vieta, M. (2024). Worker-recuperated companies and alternative management in the 21st century in Argentina. Histoire du management, perspectives du Sud. Laval, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval (forthcoming).


Vieta, M. (2024). Book review of Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski’s social philosophy, with a selection of his writings (edited by BartÅ‚omiej BÅ‚esznowski and Cezary Rudnicki, Brill). Historical Materialism (submitted Jul. 2023, forthcoming).


Vieta, M. (2024). Book review of The people's hotel: Working for justice in Argentina (by Katherine Sobering, Duke University Press). American Journal of Sociology, 129(5), 1572-1575.


Hill, D.C., Perez-Brumer, A., Vieta, M., & Birn, A.-E. (2024). Holistic approaches to COVID-19 care: Lessons from Costa Rican co-operatives. Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management, 7(1), 77-93.


Vieta, M. & Heras, A.I. (2023). Social and solidarity economy and self-management. In M. Atzeni, A. Mezzadra, D. Azzellini, P., Moore, & U. Apitzsch (Eds.), Research handbook on the global political economy of work (pp. 161-171). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Heras, A.I., Burin, D., Fuente Goldman, J., Herrera, P.M., Movida de Locos, & Vieta, M. (2023). Inclusión sociolaboral en clave de salud mental comunitaria: Una perspectiva geográfica. Parrafos Geográficos, 2(22). 12-36.


Vieta, M. & Lionais, D. (2022). The new cooperativism, the commons, and the post-capitalist imaginary. Journal of Co-operative Studies, Winter 55(3), 9-24.


Simpson, L., Luk, A., Hall, P., Vieta, M., & Chan, A. (2022). Balancing consistency and flexibility: Challenges and opportunities in conducting a cross-country longitudinal study with youth participants in work-integration social enterprises. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSERJ) (in press).


Vieta, M., & Heras, A.I. (2022). Organizational solidarity in practice in Bolivia and Argentina: Building coalitions of resistance and creativity. Organization, 29(2), 271-294.

Authors presentaton on key themes of the article at the “Liviana” Community Economies Research Network conference, Nov. 25, 2021.


Heras, A.I. & Vieta, M. (2022). Acciones emancipadores hacia transiciones más justas: Métodos para indentificar y analizar el valor generado en común y pare el bien común. Cuadernos de Sociología, 10(July), 22-34.


Sotomayor, L., Tarhan, M.D., Vieta, M., McCartney, S., & Mas, A. (2022). When students are house-poor: Universities, student marginality and housing struggles in an aspiring global city. Cities, 124(May),


Pillai, A.,Vieta, M., & Sotomayor, L. (2021). University Student Housing as Business Proposition and Entrepreneurial Activity: The Canadian Case. Housing Policy Debate,


Vieta, M. (2021). Responding to business succession issues and crises by converting to co-operatives: Canadian realities and possibilities. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 12(2), 13-22.


Vieta, M. (2021). Recuperating and (re)learning the language of autogestión in Argentina’s empresas recuperadas worker cooperatives. In S.M. Scott (Ed.), Languages of Economic Crises (Chapter 4). London: Routledge (reprint).


Bianchi, M. & Vieta, M. (2020). Co-operatives, territories and social capital: Reconsidering a theoretical framework. International Journal of Social Economics, 47(12), 1599-1616.


Heras, A.I. & Vieta, M. (2020). Self-managed enterprise: Worker-recuperated co-operatives in Argentina and Latin America. In J.K. Gibson-Graham & K. Dombroski (Eds.)., The handbook of diverse economies (pp. 48-55). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Vieta, M. (2020). Saving jobs and businesses in times of crisis: The Italian road to creating worker cooperatives from worker buyouts. In B. Roelants, S. Esim, W. Katajamäki, & S. Novkovic (Eds.), Cooperatives and the world of work. London: Routledge.


Vieta, M. (2019). Recuperating and (re)learning the language of autogestión in Argentina’s empresas recuperadas worker cooperatives. Journal of Cultural Economy, 12(5), 401-422. 


Bianchi, M. & Vieta, M. (2019). Italian community co-operatives responding to economic crisis and state withdrawal: A new model for socio-economic development. For the Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for the Social and Solidarity Economy? conference and working paper call, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) (Jun. 25-26).


Vieta, M. (2019). W: Workers’ buyout. In A. Bernardi & S. Monni (Eds.), Parole chiave per l’empresa cooperative del futuro (pp. 209-2016). Bologna: Il Mulino.


Vieta, M. (2018). Autogestión ayer, hoy y mañana (prólogo/prologue). In A. Ruggeri, Autogestión y revolución: De las primeras cooperativas a Petrograda y Barcelona (pp. 16-22). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Callao.


Vieta, M. (2018). New co-operativism in Latin America: Implications for Cuba. In S. Novkovic & H. Veltmeyer (Eds.), Cooperativism and local development in Cuba: An agenda for democratic social change (pp. 51-81). Leiden: Brill.


Ruggeri, A., Antivero, J., Polti, N., & Vieta, M. (2018). The University of Buenos Aires’ Programa Facultad Abierta: Reflections on a collaborative and political–academic university extension initiative with Argentina’s self-managed workers. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 64(2), 194-201.


Vieta, M. (2017). Inklings of the great refusal: Echoes of Marcuse’s post-technological rationality today. In T. Wolfson, A. Lamas, & P. Funke (Eds.), The great refusal: Herbert Marcuse and contemporary social movements (pp. 258-282). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Giovannini, M. & Vieta, M. (2017). Cooperatives in Latin America. In J. Michie, J. Blassi, & C. Borzaga (Eds.), The  Oxford handbook of mutual, co-operative, and co-owned businesses (pp. 335-347). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Vieta, M. (2016). Marcuse’s “transcendent project” at 50: Post-technological rationality for our times. Radical Philosophy Review (50th anniversary special issue of the publication of One-Dimensional Man), 19(1), 143-172.


Vieta, M. (2016). B: Workers’ buyout. In A. Bernardi & S. Monni (Eds.), The co-operative firm: Keywords (pp. 23-38). Rome: Università degli Studi Roma Tre Press/Roma TrE-Press.


Vieta, M., Quarter, J., Spear, R., & Moskovskaya, A. (2016). Participation in worker co-operatives. In D. Horton Smith, R.A. Stebbins, and J. Grotz (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of volunteering, civic participation, and nonprofit associations (pp. 436-453). Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.


Vieta, M. (2016). Autogestión: Prefiguring the “new cooperativism” and “the labour commons.” In C. DuRand (Ed.), Moving beyond capitalism (pp. 55-63). London: Routledge.


Vieta, M. & Lionais, D. (2015). The cooperative advantage for community development (editorial). Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 4(1), 1-10.


Vieta, M., Schatz, N., & Kasparian, G. (2015). Social return on investment for Good Foot Delivery: A collaborative reflection. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(2), 157-172.


Ruggeri, A. & Vieta, M. (2015). Argentina’s worker-recuperated enterprises, 2010-2013: A synthesis of recent empirical findings. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 4(1), 75-103.


Vieta, M. & Depedri, S. (2015). Le imprese recuperata in Italia. In C. Borzaga (Ed.), Economia cooperativa italiane: Rilevanza, evoluzione e nuove frontiere della cooperazione italiana: Terzo rapporto Euricse, 2015 (pp. 220-244). Trento, Italy: European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises.


Sengupta, U., Vieta, M., & McMurtry, J.J. (2015). Indigenous communities and social enterprise in Canada: Incorporating culture as an essential ingredient of entrepreneurship. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 6(1), 104-123.


Brouard, F., McMurtry, J.J., & Vieta, M. (2015). Social enterprises models in Canada: Ontario. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 6(1), 63-82.


Vieta, M. (2014). The stream of self-determination and autogestión: Prefiguring alternative economic realities. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 14(4), 781-809.


Vieta, M. (2014). Learning in struggle: Argentina’s new worker cooperatives as transformative learning organizations. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 69(1), 186-218.


Vieta, M. (2014). Saving more than jobs: Transforming workers, businesses, and communities through Argentina’s worker-recuperated enterprises. In Social and solidarity economy: Towards inclusive and sustainable development (pp. 5-34). Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO).


Atzeni, M. & Vieta, M. (2014). Between class and the market: Self-management in theory and in the practice of worker-recuperated enterprises in Argentina. In M. Parker, G. Cheney, V. Fournier, & C. Land (Eds.), Routledge companion to alternative organization (pp. 47-63). London: Routledge.


Vieta, M. & Ralón, L. (2013). Being-in-the-technologically-mediated-world: The existential philosophy of Marshall McLuhan. Popular Culture Studies Journal, 1(1 & 2), 36-60.


Vieta, M. (2013). Recuperating a workplace, creating a community space: The story of Cooperativa Chilavert Artes Gráficas. Scapegoat: Architecture, Landscape, Political Economy, 4, 160-178.


Ralón, L. & Vieta, M. (2012). McLuhan and phenomenology. Explorations in Media Ecology: Journal of the Media Ecology Association, 10(3 & 4), 181-201.


Ralón, L. & Vieta, M. (2012). Reinterpretación fenomenológica del modelo de la experiencia: Pensando a lo McLuhan. Infoamérica: Iberoamerican Communication Review, 7/8, 97-119.


Vieta, M. (2012). From managed employees to self-managed workers: The transformations of labour at Argentina’s worker-recuperated enterprises. In M. Atzeni (Ed.), Alternative work organization (pp. 129-157). Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.


Vieta, M., Larrabure, M., & Schugurensky, D. (2012). Social businesses in 21st century Latin America: The cases of Argentina and Venezuela. In J. Quarter, L. Mook, & S. Ryan (Eds.), Businesses with a difference: Balancing the social and the economic (pp. 113-155). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Laraburre, M., Vieta, M., & Schugurensky, D. (2011). The “new cooperativism” in Latin America: Worker-recuperated enterprises and socialist production units. Studies in the Education of Adults, 43(2), 181-196.


Vieta, M. (2010). The social innovations of autogestión in Argentina’s worker-recuperated enterprises: Cooperatively organizing productive life in hard times. Labor Studies Journal, 35(3), 295-321.


Vieta, M. (2010). The new cooperativism (editorial). Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, 4(1), 1-11.


Vieta, M. (2010). Book review of Living economics: Canadian perspectives on the social economy, co-operatives, and community economic development, edited by J.J. McMurtry. Canadian Journal of Non-Profit and Social Economy Research, 1(1), 105-109.


Vieta, M. (2010). Hope for our technological inheritance? From substantive critiques of technology to Marcuse’s post-technological rationality. Strategies of Critique: Graduate Journal of Social and Political Thought, 2(1), 1-20.


Vieta, M. & Ruggeri, A. (2009). The worker-recovered enterprises as workers’ cooperatives: The conjunctures, challenges, and innovations of self-management in Argentina and Latin America. In J.J. McMurtry & D. Reed (Eds.), Co-operatives in a global economy: The challenges of co-operation across borders (pp. 178-225). Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.


Vieta, M. (2009). Las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores como cooperativas de trabajo. In A. Ruggeri (Ed.), Las empresas recuperadas: Autogestión obrera en Argentina y Latinoamérica (pp. 93-102). Buenos Aires: University of Buenos Aires Faculty of Philosophy and Letters Press.


Vieta, M. (2009). Desafíos e innovaciones sociales en las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores. In A. Ruggeri (Ed.), Las empresas recuperadas: Autogestión obrera en Argentina y Latinoamérica (pp. 103-114). Buenos Aires: University of Buenos Aires Faculty of Philosophy and Letters Press.


de Peuter, G., Shaw, C., & Vieta, M. (2007). Recovering and recreating spaces of production: A virtual roundtable with protagonists of Argentina’s worker-recovered enterprises movement. Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, 1(1), 33-48.


Vieta, M. (2005). Rethinking life online: The interactional self as a theory for internet-mediated communication. Iowa Journal of Communication, 37(1), 27-57.


Chee, F., Vieta, M., & Smith, R. (2005). Online gaming and the interactional self: Identity interplay in situated practice. In P. Williams, S.Q. Hendricks, & W.K. Winkler (Eds.), Gaming as culture: Essays on reality, identity, and experience in fantasy games (pp. 154-174). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.


Ralón, L., Vieta, M., & Vásquez, L. (2004). (De)formación en línea: Acerca de las desventajas de la educación virtual. Comunicar, 22, 171-176.


Edited Journals


Vieta, M. & Lionais, D. (Eds.). (2015). The cooperative advantage for community development (special issue). Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 4(1).


Vieta, M. (Ed.). (2010). The new cooperativism (special issue). Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, 4(1).


Reports and Working Papers


Vieta, M., Charbonneau, J., & Duguid, F. (2024). Business conversion to co-operatives in Canada: A landscape report. Co-opConvert Report No. 3. Toronto: The Conversion to Co-operatives Project, Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto.


Tarhan, D., Vieta, M., & Hodgson-Bautista, J. (2023). Final research report: The WISE training project for at-risk youth. Prepared for Employment and Social Development Canada. Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto.


Vieta, M., Tarhan, D., Duguid, F., & Guillotte, C.A. (2021). Canada’s SMEs, business succession, and conversion to co-operatives. Co-opConvert Report No. 1. Toronto: The Conversion to Co-operatives Project, Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto. (Available in English and French.)


Pillai, A. & Vieta, M. (2021). Aron Theatre Co-operative: A new hope for an Ontario small town’s downtown. Co-opConvert Case Study. The Conversion to Co-operatives Project. Toronto: Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto. (Available in English and French.)


Pillai, A. & Vieta, M. (2021). Battle River Railway New Generation Co-operative: A rural community co-operatively innovating to save a way of life. Co-opConvert Case Study. The Conversion to Co-operatives Project. Toronto: Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto. (Available in English and French.)


Hamal, P. & Vieta, M. (2021). Harrop-Procter Community Co-operative: A case study in converting crown land forest tenure to co-operative stewardship. Co-opConvert Case Study. The Conversion to Co-operatives Project. Toronto: Centre for Learning, Social Economy, and Work, University of Toronto. (Available in English and French.)


Vieta, M., Khoramshahi, C., & Pillai, A. (2020). University of Toronto’s student housing strategy and policies: Between student needs and market pressures. Report prepared for the funded project StudentDwellTO (University Student Housing Initiative: Addressing the Affordability Challenge) (2017-2019).


Vieta, M., Depedri, S., & Carrano, A. (2017). The Italian road to recuperating enterprises and the Legge Marcora framework: Italy’s worker buyouts in times of crisis. Research Report No. 015|17. Trento, Italy: European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises.


Vieta, M. (2015). The Italian road to creating worker cooperatives from workers’ buyouts: The emergence of Italy’s worker-recuperated enterprises and the Legge Marcora framework. SSRN and Euricse Working Papers 78/11. Trento, Italy: European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises.


Duguid, F., Tarhan, M.D., & Vieta, M. (2015). New cooperative development in Canada: Findings from research emerging from the Co-operative Development Initiative (2009-2013). Program Report presented to Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and the Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network (MCDRN). Ottawa, Canada (May 1).


McMurtry, J.J., Brouard, F., Elson, P., Hall, P., Lionais, D., & Vieta, M. (2015). Social enterprises in Canada: Context, models, and institutions. ICSEM Working Papers No. 2015-04. Report presented to the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM). EMES Network. Liege, Belgium: University of Liege (Apr. 15).


Brouard, F., McMurtry, J.J., & Vieta, M. (2015). Social enterprise models in Canada: Ontario. Report presented to the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM), EMES Network. EMES Network. Liege, Belgium: University of Liege (Apr. 15).


Vieta, M. (2013). The emergence of the empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores: A political economic and sociological appraisal of two decades of self-management in Argentina. SSRN and Euricse Working Paper 55/13. Trento, Italy: European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises.


Vieta, M. (2012). Recuperating enterprises, reviving communities: A cross-national assessment of conversions of investor-owned businesses in crisis into labour-managed firms. Position Paper presented to the European Commission by the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises. Brussels, Belgium (Apr. 21).


Vieta, M. (2006). Herbert Marcuse's critique of technological rationality: An exegetical reading. Working paper.


Other Scholarly Publications


Ruggeri, A. & Vieta, M. (2023). Javier Milei has tapped into the discontent of an new, informal working class. Jacobin Magazine (Dec. 12).


Vieta, M. (2023). A Selection of Texts by Marcelo Vieta. Autogestión, Newsletter 7, 10-12.


Vieta, M. & Cheney, G. (2023). Come together for better business. The European. (Apr.)


Vieta, M. (2021). Canada’s small businesses could be saved by converting them to co-operatives. The Conversation Canada (Aug. 3).


Musil, D., Gibson, K., Vieta, M., & Healy, S. (2020). Tonight we riot? What Nintendo’s “revolutionary” video game misses about worker liberation. The Conversation Australia (May 21).


Vieta, M. & Duguid, F. (2020). Las cooperativas en Canadá: ayudando a las comunidades durante y después del coronavirus. Autogestón para Otra Economía (Jun.).


Vieta, M. & Duguid, F. (2020). Canada’s co-operatives: Helping communities during and after the coronavirus. The Conversation Canada (Apr. 20).


Vieta, M. (2017). Las empresas recuperadas italianas: Dentro y más allá de la Ley Marcora. Autogestión para Otra Economía, 1(3), 30-33.


Duguid, F., Tarhan, M.D., & Vieta, M. (2015). New co-operative development in Canada: Findings from research emerging from the co-operative development initiative (2009-2013). Research synopsis. 


Vieta, M., & Duguid, F. (2013). Innovations and challenges of co-operative development in Canada. Measuring the Co-operative Difference Network Newsletter, 3(4), 4.


Vieta, M. (2012). Cuba’s coming co-operative economy? Reflections from two recent field trips. The Bullet: The Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin, No. 667 (Jul. 18). With reprints in: Centre for Research on Globalization (Jul. 18, 2012); ZNet Magazine (Jul. 21, 2012); Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal (Jul. 21, 2012). Translation into Italian: “Cuba: In arrivo l’economia cooperativa?” ZNet Italy Magazine (Jul. 23).


Vieta, M. (2012). Cuba and the coming cooperative economy: Some initial reflections. Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation Newsletter (Spring), 12-16.


Vieta, M., & Askew, K. (2012). From nothing to the fastest growing medical clinic in the province: Cooperativa de Trabajo Salud Junín. Featured story for and the book Building a better world: 100 stories of co-operation. ICA 2012. International Cooperative Alliance and European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises initiative (Mar. 21). 


Vieta, M., & Askew, K. (2012). Argentinean workers take destiny into their own hands: Unión Solidaria de Trabajadores. A featured story for and the book Building a better world: 100 stories of co-operation. ICA 2012. International Cooperative Alliance and European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises initiative (Mar. 1).


Vieta, M., & Askew, K. (2012). Artes Gráficas Chilavert. A featured story for and the book Building a better world: 100 stories of co-operation. ICA 2012. International Cooperative Alliance and European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises initiative (Feb. 14).


Vieta, M. (2011). David Noble as teacher and friend. Canadian Dimension, 45(2) (Mar./Apr.), 33.


Gracie, T. & Vieta, M. (2010). Reaching out: Facilitating youth and student co-operativism. Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation Newsletter (Winter), 11-12.


Vieta, M. (2006). Argentina’s worker-recovered enterprises movement: Reconstituting working lives. New Socialist Magazine, 57, 21-23.


Vieta, M. (2005). A critical look at York University’s email policy for graduate students. Critical Times, 2(7) (Oct.), 14-15.


Vieta, M. (2003). What’s the matter with the blogosphere? Digest: Innovations in New Media, 1.10 (Nov.).


Vieta, M. (2001). The day after the world stood still: Immediate reflections on 9/11. (Sept. 12).





Workers' Assembly at UST - Avellaneda, A
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