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Film: A Silent Transformation

Marcelo Vieta

Updated: Apr 27, 2019

A film about the transformative power of the cooperative enterprise model

Film screening and discussion

Thursday, March 7, 5:30pm-8:00pm Nexus Lounge, 12th floor

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

University of Toronto 

A Silent Transformation is a film about the transformative power of the co-operative model. The co-operative movement in Ontario was built by people who took on the responsibility for their collective wellbeing in the face of government neglect, economic exclusion and cultural discrimination. However, over the years, the co-op movement has become insular and poorly understood. Will it grow and flourish? Come join us for the screening of A Silent Transformation and then to discuss the possibilities and challenges of the cooperative movement for radical social change in Canada and beyond.


Sam Gindin was research director of the Canadian Auto Workers from 1974–2000, and an adjunct professor at York University in Toronto from 2000-2010, and is now retired. He is author (with Leo Panitch) of The Making of Global Capitalism and more recently (also with Panitch) of The Socialist Challenge Today: Syriza, Sanders, Corbyn.

Hazel Corcoran, LL.B. from Dalhousie (1991), is Executive Director at the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation, Director at The Co-operators, and has been involved as a cooperative developer and cooperative movement advocate for close to thirty years.

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